A blog that brings you Canfor news and achievements in the world of lumber, pulp, paper and green energy.

Wednesday, Dec 09, 2015

A Time for Traditions and Supporting those in Greatest Need

It’s the time of year when many of us look forward to gathering with friends and family and celebrating the many traditions that come hand-in-hand with the close-out of the year.

One such tradition at Canfor is to give to local food banks and local organizations that provide support to our community members in greatest need. This year, we donated $24,000 which was split equally among 12 organizations in Canada and 12 in the southern United States. Recipients include food banks, the Salvation Army and Christmas bureau societies.

Our Christmas tree at the Prince George Festival of Trees auctioned off for $5,000, in support of bringing healthcare closer to those in the North.

Other seasonal Canfor traditions include the Prince George Festival of Trees, where our participation this year resulted in $5,000 in support of bringing healthcare closer to those in the North. For the 12th year, we are once again involved in the Vancouver’s Festival of Trees which supports BC Children’s Hospital. Canfor also sponsored one of many stars that currently lights-up Vancouver’s St. Paul’s Hospital to help raise funds for the hospital.

From all of us at Canfor, we wish you a happy holiday and a wealth of joy as you celebrate your annual traditions.

For the 12th year in a row, Canfor is participating in the Vancouver Festival of Trees which raises funds for BC Children’s Hospital.

Canfor once again sponsored one of the many stars that lights-up Vancouver’s St. Paul’s Hospital to raise funds for St Paul’s greatest needs.

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