Bleached Softwood Kraft Pulp
Canfor Pulp operates the Intercontinental and Northwood Pulp Mills in Prince George, BC, Canada. These two mills produce NBSK pulp from a mixture of softwood species (white spruce, lodgepole pine and subalpine fir) indigenous to the north central interior of British Columbia.
Canfor NBSK is available in a variety of grades. Characterized with superior reinforcement strength, ease of refining, tailored brightness and good cleanliness these pulps offer a good technical fit with a wide range of products.
Northwood Pulp Mill
Mill Location: Prince George, BC, Canada
Product Description: 510,000 admt/yr Premium Bleached Softwood Kraft Pulp
Process Description: Enhanced - ECF Process
Bleaching Sequence: DEOPDEPD
Species: Lodgepole pine – Pinus contorta, White spruce – Picea glauca, Sub-alpine fir – Abies lasiocarpa
Intercontinental Pulp Mill 
Mill Location: Prince George, BC, Canada
Product Description: 353,000 admt/yr Bleached Softwood Kraft Pulp, ECF 90, NBSK-Premium Reinforced Pulp
Process Description: Enhanced - ECF Process
Bleaching Sequence: ODEOPDEPD
Species: Lodgepole pine – Pinus contorta, White spruce – Picea glauca, Sub-alpine fir – Abies lasiocarpa
Typical End Uses:
Specialties: Tape grades, filter grades, overlay, Décor, Cigarette papers, Glassine papers, release papers, abrasive papers, Non-wovens etc.
Printing and Writing – lightweight coated and uncoated, Magazines, Catalogues
Packaging – liquid packaging, folding boxboard etc.
Tissue grades
Production Description:
- Dual Production line processing UBK market pulp and Bleached Kraft Paper
- Kamyr Continuous Digesters