SFM Plans

Canfor continues to be a leader in third-party Sustainable Forest Management (SFM) certification of its forestry operations.

The Canfor SFI Sustainable Forest Management System (SFMS) document describes how Canfor will meet the objectives of the Sustainable Forestry Initiative® (SFI®) forest management and fiber sourcing objectives.  The Canfor SFI Sustainable Forest Management System is comprised of a number of matrices that identify how our divisional locations achieve the performance measures and indicators of the SFI standards.

The Canfor Kootenay Operations Sustainable Forest Management Plan (SFMP) describes how Canfor will meet the Forest Stewardship Council® (FSC®) forest management standard requirements.  The SFMP describes the indicators used to show conformance with the FSC principles and criteria.

Canfor SFI Certified Areas


Canfor Kootenay FSC Certified Areas


Legacy SFM Plans

The previous SFM plans, associated reports and audit summaries are available below.
Click the links below to view the Plans.

- close All+ open All

  1. Chetwynd
  2. Fort Nelson
  3. Fort St. James Forest District
  4. Fort St. John Pilot Project
  5. Grande Prairie
  6. Houston
  7. Kootenay Region
  8. TFL30 (Prince George)
  9. Mackenzie
  10. Prince George Forest District
  11. Radium
  12. Vanderhoof

Forest Stewardship Plans

Canadian Forest Products Ltd. (Canfor) maintains Forest Stewardship Plans at each of our British Columbia Divisions specific to the land base associated with our Forest Licenses.  These plans demonstrate how Canfor will meet the legal obligation to address the objectives set by government under the Forest and Range Practices Act.

These plans are in the process of being replaced and Canfor is providing an opportunity for interested members of the public to comment.  Please follow the link below to a map of Canfor's BC Operations for more information on the plan covering your specific geographic area of interest.

Forest Stewardship Plan Details


Integrated Pest Management Plans

Development of the Integrated Pest
Management Plan

Canadian Forest Products Ltd. (Canfor) has five year Integrated Vegetation Management Plans (IVMP) specific to each Division. These plans five year span vary according to division. These plans apply to Canfor operations where Canfor is legally responsible (i.e. the Forest Act and/or the Forest Practices Code of BC Act and/or the Forest Range and Practices Act) to control problem vegetation growth on "net areas to be reforested" and access roads.

Purpose of the IVMP

To control problem vegetation using the principles of integrated vegetation management - which includes the following methods: Natural control, biological control, livestock grazing, manual brushing, and herbicides.

Primary benefits of the IVMP

  • Achieve the legal requirements to control problem vegetation growth on "net areas to be reforested" and allow access to those areas.
  • Minimize worker's exposure to potentially dangerous equipment (e.g. chainsaws, etc) and potential hazards to worker health (e.g. pesticides, petroleum products, carbon monoxide and other exhaust gases, etc).
  • Ensure that all activities are undertaken in a manner that minimizes the risk to the environment, fish & wildlife and human health.
  • Respect agreements with the public, landowners, other stakeholders and Indigenous treaty rights and/or traditional rights; and
  • Ensure compliance with all pertinent government laws and regulations.

Areas/communities within the IVMP area

Contact your local division to discuss specific areas in the IVMP.

The following herbicides may be proposed for use in the areas to which the IVMP applies
Trade Name Active Ingredient PCP No.
GlySil Glyphosate 35.6% 29009
Vision Glyphosate 35.6% 19899
Release Triclopyr 48% 22093
Vantage Glyphosate 35.6% 26884
VisionMax Glyphosate 49% 27736


Integrated Vegetation Management Plans and Maps are
available as PDF files

Please contact local divisions to request a copy, provide comments, or make an
appointment for a viewing with our Silviculture Staff.

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