Compliance – Canfor Pulp
In 2016, the BC Ministry of Environment released its first-ever Compliance Inspections Report, which showed most industrial and commercial operations are abiding by provincial environmental regulatory requirements. Canfor Pulp was subject to 15 inspections in 2015. It met all requirements in 14, and one led to an advisory for not including certain information in the annual report.
Canfor Pulp’s commitment to transparency includes reporting on our manufacturing processes.
Minor items for manufacturing are those that are not expected to result in enforcement action.
Major items are those that have or could initiate enforcement action and which have or could cause significant damage to the environment or the company (financial or reputation).

Canfor Pulp operations were in substantial compliance with all operating permits in 2016. There was one major incident in 2016 that occurred at the Northwood Mill on Recovery Boiler 5 when the 24-hour average TRS permit level of 8 mg/m3 was exceeded. The incident analysis was completed and steps have been implemented to prevent reoccurrence of a similar incident. One minor incident occurred when one of the Intercon Mill daphnia magna weekly test results failed. The permit protocol requires the authorized lab to conduct a Rainbow Trout Acute Test which passed with 100% of trout alive in 100% effluent. The other minor reportable incidents were related to minor spills to ground, which were contained and cleaned up. We continue to address each of the incidents, and have implemented corrective action to minimize the possibility of similar incidents.