Sustainable Forestry Initiative
Our WynnWood woodlands operations in southeast BC are certified to the Sustainable Forestry Initiative forest management standard. An audit in September 2016 included both forest operations and fibre procurement for our sawmill at Wynndel, BC.
Good practices identified include a comprehensive migratory bird strategy, with deferral of harvesting in some cases; reviews of forest management plans with First Nations that go beyond the required information-sharing process; and the use the use of electronic field forms during site visits to track site-specific values and features and implement protective measures. The fibre sourcing audit noted that we worked with the Nature Conservancy to meet their stringent constraints to plan and harvest an area near their property.
There was one minor non-conformance noted in the forest audit, related to fire response equipment and a contractor’s fuel tank, and two in the fibre sourcing audit associated with best management practices monitoring.
Our operations in the Alberta Forest Management Area, held by Daishowa-Marubeni International (DMI), are also certified to the SFI standard. A certificate of registration issued in 2012 expires in October 2018.
In 2016, an audit team found the DMI Peace River Pulp Woodlands operations, harvest and silviculture operations of embedded conifer holders, and DMI fibre procurement operations met the requirements of the SFI 2015-2019 Standard. It identified two opportunities for improvement related to Canfor operations – better communications to ensure efficient use of the forest resources and use of best management practices to reduce rutting in three blocks during wet conditions.