Identifying Stakeholders and Key Indicators
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Canfor and Canfor Pulp maintain an open door policy so we can be sure we consider the interests of key stakeholders in all of our operations. We recognize and respect the constitutionally protected rights and treaty rights of Aboriginal peoples, and we support the commitment by the Canadian, BC and Alberta governments to implement the principles of the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples.
It is critically important to maintain open communication with First Nations and other parties interested in or potentially impacted by our forest management or manufacturing activities, which include local communities, other forest users, customers, environmental groups, all levels of government, certification organizations, employees, contractors, researchers and suppliers.
We define our stakeholders to be any person or group who is affected by our operations, or conversely has the ability to affect our business. First Nations with traditional territories in our operating areas have special rights and interests, and we work collaboratively with them to address these.
Our major stakeholder groups are listed in the table below. We selected the topics and indicators for this report by examining what is important to these key organizations and individuals, as described in the table.
Stakeholder / Group |
Interests |
Communities |
- Economic stability
- Community enhancement
- Environment
- Safety on community roads
- Economic opportunities
- Responsible forest management
- Water quality (community watersheds)
- Air quality (local airshed advisory group)
First Nations |
- Cultural heritage, traditional use, treaty rights, Aboriginal rights and title
- Employment opportunities
- Economic stability
- Economic opportunities
- Responsible forest management
Customers |
- Stable supply of quality products
- Competitive prices
- Responsible forest management
- Efficient delivery
- Sustainable manufacturing
Environmental Groups/ Recreationalists |
- Responsible forest management
- Protection of species at risk/habitat
- Maintenance of biodiversity
- Safe forest roads
Post-secondary Institutions |
- Research and development
- Recruitment
Government (provincial/ state, federal) |
- Responsible forest management
- Timely regeneration
- Research and development
- Compliance with laws
- Forest health
- Market development
Unions |
- Safe working conditions
- Competitive wages and benefits
- Workforce diversity
- Advancement opportunities
- Training
- Employment security
Shareholders |
- Economic stability
- Market development, expanding use of wood
- Return on investment
- Product development
- Responsible operations
Certification Organizations/
CSA Public Advisory Committees |
- Certification requirements
- Impact on forest management
- Management of local issues
- Responsible procurement