Objectives & Targets for 2018 — Canfor

Forestry and Manufacturing

  • Continue root cause analysis process at additional facilities to identify systemic process issues and solutions to prevent wood residue accumulations.
  • Reduce the number of block harvest and road trespasses to six incidents or 0.37 per million metres of total delivered volume.
  • Reduce the number of fuel management guidelines incidents by 10%, which equates to nine incidents or 0.56 per million metres of total delivered volume.
  • Maintain a target of less than three incidents where herbicide is applied outside of a treatment area per cubic metres of delivered volume.

Energy Efficiency

  • Increase mill awareness of energy-efficiency opportunities to help achieve our standing 10% energy-reduction target. 
  • Roll out the energy audit process to three more divisions.


  • Meet the company-wide medical incident rate below 2.0.
  • Continue to focus on leveraging best practices and learnings across the company to enhance safety performance.
  • Continue to focus on activities and initiatives that contribute to the creation of a world-class safety culture and shift our organization’s thinking to one of safety interdependence.
  • Select and implement a new electronic Environmental, Health and Safety Management System for the organization

Community and People

  • Promote success of First Nations candidates by providing 200 individuals with resume and career advice through career fairs and other conversations, including up to 50 from 2016 to 2020 through a partnership with the Prince George Nechako Aboriginal Employment and Training Association.
  • Create a procurement strategy to support First Nations businesses.
  • Create Aboriginal Cultural Competency Training modules that will become a part of Canfor’s orientation program.
  • Launch the First Nations Work Experience Pilot Program.
  • Launch the Human Resources Aboriginal Internship Program.
  • Expand community and employee outreach in the US South.
  • Establish scholarships for forestry and trades related studies at relevant schools associated with our US operations.
  • Brand Canfor Southern Pine as the employer of choice throughout the US South.
  • Launch enhanced respectful workplace training.
  • Expand inclusive leadership training and enhanced diversity focus of development programs.
  • Meet with mayors of all operating communities, with a focus on opportunities for collaboration and enhanced information sharing.