Objectives & Targets for 2016 — Canfor

Forestry and Manufacturing

  • Achieve the 2016 target of incidents of harvesting activity not consistent with plan per million cubic metres of delivered volume.
  • Reduce by 10% the number of riparian management incidents per cubic metres of delivered volume.
  • Reduce by 10% the number of incidents where herbicide is applied outside of a treatment area per cubic metres of delivered volume.
  • Achieve the 2016 target for forestry fuel management incidents per million cubic metres of total delivered volume.
  • Continue preparation of wood residue management plans at sawmills including characterization of accumulated materials and root cause analysis.

Energy Efficiency

  • Continue implementing our energy use reduction plan for solid wood facilities, including a 10% reduction in electricity use per unit of sawmill production over 2015 and 2016


  • Achieve a company-wide medical incident rate of 2.0 or lower.
  • Expand Canfor TV safety monitor program to all Canadian facilities/operations and begin expansion in to US operations.
  • Continue to expand “One Canfor” approach to Safety with focus on practical integration and standardization of safety program elements across the business.

Community and People

  • Implement a First Nations recruitment and selection process to identify and support potential First Nations’ candidates.
  • Expand partnerships with First Nations through activities coordinated through a company-wide First Nations Working Group.
  • Expand high school and post-secondary partnerships that focus on supporting First Nations students.
  • Host community events in all of our operating communities.
  • Expand outreach to communities, with operational staff providing updates to mayors and council.
  • Establish high school scholarships for forestry and trades related studies in all of our operating communities.
  • Continue to enhance the new skills development and training program to facilitate effective and safe performance of tasks.